1. Evaluation survey “ELISPE” on LISP activities (Identified Palliative Care Beds) and the EMSP (Mobil team for palliative care) involvement,,2016
2. Initial assessment for end-of-life, Formal Report;French National monitoring center for end-of-life,2011
3. French National consultative Ethics Committee: Formal Report on the public debate concerning end-of-life,2014
4. Assessment of the National Program for the development of palliative care, June 2008–2012,2013
5. French Ministry for Health, Youth, Sport and Community Organisations; circular DHOS/O2 no 2008-99 of the 25th march, 2008 relating to palliative care organization. http://social-sante.gouv.fr/fichiers/bo/2008/08-04/ste_20080004_0100_0113.pdf; accessed the 12nd August, 2016.