1. Barles, G., Thèse de Doctorat de 3 ème Cycle, Université de Paris IX -Dauphine, 1982 - 1983.
2. Barron, N.E., Evans, L.C. & Jensen, R., Viscosity solutions of Isaacs' equations and differential games with Lipschitz controls, J. Diff. Eq., to appear.
3. Capuzzo Dolcetta, I., On a discrete approximation of the Hamilton-Jacobi equation of dynamic programming, Appl. Math, and Op., to appear.
4. Cappuzzo Dolcetta, I. & Evans, L.C., Optimal switching for ordinary differential equations, SIflM J. of Control and Optimization, to appear.
5. Cappuzzo Dolcetta, I- and Ishii, H., Approximate solutions of the Bellman equation of deterministic control theory, Appl. Math, and Op., to appear.