1. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Toxicological profile for hydrogen sulfide, CAS No. 123-91-1, 2006, p. 14; http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/toxprofiles/tp114.pdf
2. Co-worker fatalities from hydrogen sulfide
3. A.D.S. Gillies, H.W. Wu, M.S. Kizil, T. Harvey, The mining challenge of coal seam hydrogen sulfide, in: Proc. Queensland Min. Ind. Health Saf. Conf., Townsville, August 2000, p. 375
4. Adsorption and Decomposition of H2S on MgO(100), NiMgO(100), and ZnO(0001) Surfaces: A First-Principles Density Functional Study