1. See, for example, JLC group, `JLC-I', KEK Preprint 92-16, 1992.
2. See, for example, articles in the proceedings of Physics and Experiments with Linear Colliders, Morioka, 1995, A. Miyamoto et al. (Eds.), World Scientific, Singapore, 1996.
3. M.N. Frary, D.J. Miller, in: P. Zerwas (Ed.), e+e− collisions at 500 GeV: the physics potential, DESY report 92-123A, 1992, p. 379.
4. N. Toomi et al., in preparation. Please contact to toomi@kekvax.kek.jp.
5. T. Ishikawa, T. Kaneko, K. Kato, S. Kawabata, Y. Shimizu, H. Tanaka. GRACE manual, KEK report 92-19, 1993.