1. CLEO Collaboration, D.M. Asner et al., CLEO CONF 97-13; B. Behrens, CLEO Collaboration, talk presented at the conference on B Physics and CP violation Honolulu, Hawaii, March 1997; F. Würthwein, CLEO Collaboration, talk presented at the Recontres du Moriond, QCD and high energy hadronic interactions, Les Arcs, March 1997, hep-ph/9706010.
2. CLEO Collaboration, S. Anderson et al., CLEO CONF 97-22a, 1997.
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5. G.P. Lepage, S.J. Brodsky, Phys. Rev. D 22 (1980) 2157; for recent extensive review, see A.J. Brodsky, H.-C Pauli, S.S. Pinsky, hep-ph/9705477.