1. See e.g. the following contributions to Lattice'98, Boulder, CO: J. Greensite, M. Faber, Š. Olejnı́k, hep-lat/9809053; C. Hoelbing, C. Rebbi, V.A. Rubakov, hep-lat/9809113; J.D. Stack, W. Tucker, hep-lat/9810011; P.W. Stephenson, hep-lat/9809127; T.G. Kovacs, E.T. Tomboulis, hep-lat/9808046.
2. Detection of center vortices in the lattice Yang-Mills vacuum
3. Confinement and scaling of the vortex vacuum of SU(2) lattice gauge theory
4. M. Engelhardt, K. Langfeld, H. Reinhardt, O. Tennert, hep-lat/9904004.
5. Ph. de Forcrand, M. D'Elia, hep-lat/9901020.