1. ANSI/ANS, 2008. Measurement of the leachability of solidified low level radioactive wastes by a short-term test procedure (ANSI/ANS- 6.1-2003-R2008). American National Standards Institute/American Nuclear Society, New York.
2. Standard test method for accelerated leach test for diffusive releases from solidified waste and a computer program to model diffusive, fractional leaching from cylindrical waste forms (ASTM C1308);ASTM,2008
3. Standard practice for classification of soils for engineering purposes (Unified Soil Classification System, ASTM D2487–17e1);ASTM,2017
4. Standard test methods for liquid limit, plastic limit, and plasticity index of soils (ASTM D4318–17e1);ASTM,2017
5. Standard test method for particle-size distribution (gradation) of soils using sieve analysis (ASTM D6913–17);ASTM,2017