1. Methyl methacrylate by gas phase catalytic condensation of formaldehyde with methyl propionate
2. Vapor-Phase Aldol Condensation of Formaldehyde with Propionic Acid on Vanadium Pentoxide—Phosphorus Pentoxide
3. M. Ai, in M.J. Phillips and M. Ternan (Editors), Proceedings of the 9th International Congress on Catalysis, Calgary, June 1988, Vol. The Chemical Institute of Canada, Ottawa, 4, p. 1562
4. Vapor-phase aldol condensation of formaldehyde with acetic acid on V2O5$z.sbnd;P2O5 catalysts
5. W. Ganzler, K. Kabs and G. Schrodercm]Röhm GmbH), Br. Patent 1 491 183 (1976); CA., 88 (1978) 191 766d