1. Ambrosini, W. 2001. On Some Physical and Numerical Aspects in Computational Modelling of One-dimensional Flow Dynamics. Invited lecture. In: Ferreri, J.C., Gnavi, G., Menéndez, A., Rosen, M. (Eds.), Proceedings of Fluidos-2001—VII International Seminar on Fluid Mechanics, Physics of Fluids and Associated Complex Systems, 17–19 October 2001, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2. W. Ambrosini, F. D'Auria, A. Pennati, J.C. Ferreri, 2001. Numerical effects in the prediction of single-phase natural circulation stability. In: 19th UIT National Heat Transfer Conference 2001, 25–27 June 2001, Modena, p. 313.
3. Linear and non-linear analysis of density wave instability phenomena;Ambrosini;Heat and Technology,2000
4. Ambrosini, W., Di Marco, P., Susanek, A. 1999. Prediction of boiling channel stability by a finite-difference numerical method. In: 2nd International Symposium on Two-Phase Flow Modelling and Experimentation, 23–26 May 1999, Pisa, Italy.
5. The effect of truncation error on numerical prediction of stability boundaries in a natural circulation single-phase loop;Ambrosini;Nuclear Engineering and Design,1998