1. V. Galamb and G. Palyi, XIIth (Hungarian) Colloquim on Coordination Chemistry, Sopron, May 23–25, 1977
2. XIXth Internat. Conf. Coord. Chem. (ICCC) Prague, (Czechoslovakia), Sept. 4–8. 1978. Abstr. Vol. II. p. 46.
3. Yu.T. Struchkov, M.G. Furmanova, F. Cser, V. Galamb and G. Pályi, (a) XIIIth (Hungarian) Colloqium on Coordination Chemistry, Mátrafüred, May 22–24, 1979
4. IXth Internet. Conf. Organometal. Chem. (ICOMC), Dijon (France), Sept. 3-7, 1979, Abstr. P32W.