1. Project HOPE - The People-to-People Health Foundation, Inc. The Imaging Boom. Health Affairs 2008; 27:1466.
2. Medicare: Trends in Fees, Utilization, and Expenditures for Imaging Services before and after Implementation of the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005. GAO-08-1102R. September 26, 2008.
3. Medicare Part B Imaging Services: Rapid Spending Growth and Shift to Physician Offices Indicate Need for CMS to Consider Additional Management Practices. GAO-08-452. June 13, 2008.
4. Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC). Report to the Congress: Medicare and the Health Care Delivery System. June 2011.
5. Medicare Announces Demonstration Testing Decision Support Systems for Advanced Medical Imaging services. Available at: http://www.cms.gov/About-CMS/Legislative-Affairs/OfficeofLegislation/downloads//MedicareImagingDemonstration.pdf. Accessed April 22, 2012.