1. A. McNab, Expert systems for ultrasonic weld inspection, in: Proceedings of the IEE Colloquium on Expert Systems for NDT, 1989.
2. R. Sharan, N.P. Saksena, S.N. Prasad, Forging Die Design and Practice, S. Chand & Company, India, pp. 133–142.
3. McGonnagle, J. Warren, Non Destructive Testing, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1961, pp. 145–149, 154–161 and 168–174.
4. NonDestructive HandBook, vol. 1, Society of NonDestructive Testing, Renald, USA, 1963, pp. 20-441-46, 5-18 and 22-1-16.
5. J.F. Hinsley, Non Destructive Testing, MacDonald and Evance Limited, John Steel, London, 1959, pp. 259–326 and 358–410.