1. Chemical Interactions of Zircaloy-4 Tubing with UO2 Fuel and Oxygen at Temperatures between 900 and 2000°C;Hofmann;KfK 4422,1988
2. Physical and Chemical Behavior of LWR Fuel Elements up to very high Temperatures;Hagen;KfK 4104,1987
3. Behavior of Control Rods during Core Degradation;Powers;NUREG/CR-4401, SAND85-0469,1985
4. Silver-Indium-Cadmium Control Rod Behavior during a severe Reactor Accident;Bowsher;AEEWR-R 1991,1986
5. Silver-Indium-Cadmium Control Rod Behavior and Aerosol Formation in severe Reactor Accidents;Petti;NUREG/CR-4876, EG + G-2501,1987