1. A novel technique for measurement of energetic hydrogen flux to the walls in fusion devices
2. Long-term changes in the surface conditions of PLT
3. S.T. Picraux, W.R. Wampler, S.A. Cohen, H.F. Dylla, S.M. Rossnagel and C.W. Magee, IEEE Trans, on Nucl. Sci. (in press).
4. Preliminary pulsed electron beam thermal release studies by two of the authors (S.T.P., W.R.W.) have demonstrated how rapid heating and cooling, as might be caused by plasma or runaway electrons, would affect H,D retention. Results at 7keV, 30ma, 400ms show 90% release of 100eV D implanted in 304 SS. More rapid pulsed annealing is also being examined for controllably releasing trapped hydrogen from fusion reactor surfaces.