1. Impact of neutronics considerations on the selection of solid breeder and multiplier materials and configurations
2. Activation characteristics and waste management options for some candidate tritium breeders
3. D.G. Cepraga, G. Cambi, G. Cavallone, M. Costa and S. Ciattaglia, Outboard First-wall (AISI 316L) Activations Evaluations with Different Activation Codes, Neutron Data Libraries, and Data Processing, ENEA, DOC FUS S + E TR 17/92.
4. D.G. Cepraga, G. Cambi, S. Ciattaglia, M. Costa, G. Cavallone, L. Di Pace and E. Menapace, Activation Evaluations for AISI 316L NET/ITER Outboard First Wall with Be, B4C, W, or Graphite Coating/Tile Materials, ENEA, DOC FUS S + E TR 01/93.