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2. A.F.J. Abercromby, M.L. Gernhardt, H. Litaker Desert Research and Technology Studies (DRATS) 2009: A 14-Day evaluation of the space exploration vehicle prototype in a lunar analog environment, NASA Technical Report (in press).
3. J.E. Bleacher, J.M. Hurtado Jr., K.E. Young, J.W. Rice Jr., W.B. Garry, The effect of different operations modes on science capabilities during the 2010 Desert RATS test: Insights from the geologist crewmembers, Acta Astronaut, http://dx.doi.org/doi:10.1016/j.actaastro.2011.10.018, this issue.
4. S.P. Chappell, A.F.J. Abercromby, W.L. Todd, Gernhardt M.L. Final report of NEEMO 14: Evaluation of Rover, Cargo Lander, and Crew Lander during simulated partial gravity exploration and construction tasks, NASA Technical Report (in press).
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