1. E. Jessberger, W. Seboldt, K.-H. Glassmeier, G. Neukum, M. Pätzold, G. Arnold, H.-U. Auster, D. deNiem, F. Guckenbiehl, B. Häusler, G. Hahn, N. Hanowski, A. Harris, H. Hirsch, E. Kührt, M. Leipold, E. Lorenz, H. Michaelis, D. Möhlmann, S. Mottola, D. Neuhaus, H. Palme, H. Rauer, M. Rezazad, L. Richter, D. Stöffler, R. Willnecker, J. Brückner, G. Klingelhöfer, T. Spohn, ENEAS—exploration of near-Earth asteroids with a sailcraft, Technical Report, proposal for a Small Satellite Mission within the Space Sciences Program of DLR, August 2000.
2. W. Seboldt, M. Leipold, M. Rezazad, L. Herbeck, W. Unkenbold, D. Kassing, M. Eiden, Ground-based demonstration of solar sail technology, 51st International Astronautical Congress, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2000, IAF-00-S.6.11.
3. M. Leipold, M. Eiden, C. Garner, L. Herbeck, D. Kassing, T. Niederstadt, T. Krüger, G. Pagel, M. Rezazad, H. Rozemeijer, W. Seboldt, C. Schöppinger, C. Sickinger, W. Unkenbold, Solar sail technology development and demonstration, Fourth IAA International Conference on Low-Cost Planetary Missions, Laurel, USA, 2000, IAA-L-0707.
4. M. Leipold, E. Pfeiffer, P. Groepper, M. Eiden, W. Seboldt, L. Herbeck, W. Unkenbold, Solar sail technology for advanced space science missions, 52nd International Astronautical Congress, Toulouse, France, 2001, IAF-01-S.6.10.
5. R. Binzel, A. Rivkin, S. Bus, J. Sunshine, T. Burbine, MUSES-C target asteroid (25143) 1998 SF36: a reddened ordinary chondrite, Meteroritics & Planetary Science (2001) 1167–1172.