1. Columbia Accident Investigation Board (CAIB), Report Volume 1, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington, DC, August 2003.
2. R. Russell, “Space shuttle Columbia debris loan process: examples of microscopic analysis,” 2006 Microscopy and Microanalysis Conference, Chicago, IL.
3. “Orbiter Green Book,” 〈https://opo.nasa.gov/greenbook/〉, March 2009.
4. J. O’Keefe, Preliminary report on the results of the MA-6 flight in the field of space science, Appendix D of NASA-TM-108605, Results of the First United States Manned Orbital Space Flight, February 20, 1962.
5. W. Ko, L. Gong, R. Quinn, Hypothetical reentry thermostructural performance of space shuttle orbiter with missing or eroded thermal protection tiles, NASA Technical Report TM-2004-212850, July 2004.