1. M. Nakamura, Space plasma environment at the ADEOS-II anomaly, in: Proceedings of the Ninth Spacecraft Charging Technology Conference, Tsukuba, Japan, 4–8 April 2005.
2. S. Kawakita, H. Kusawake, M. Takahashi, et al., Investigation of operational anomaly of ADEOS-II satellite, in: Proceedings of the Ninth Spacecraft Charging Technology Conference, Tsukuba, Japan, 4–8 April 2005.
3. H. Usui, Y. Omura, M. Okada, T. Ogino, N. Terada, T. Murata, T. Sugiyama, H. Ueda, Development of geospace environment simulator, in: Proceedings of the Ninth Spacecraft Charging Technology Conference, Tsukuba, Japan, 4–8 April 2005.
4. S. Hatta, T. Muranaka, S. Hosoda, J. Kim, M. Cho, H. Ueda, K. Koga, T. Goka, Development status of multi-utility spacecraft charging analysis tool (MUSCAT), in: Proceedings of the 56th International Astronautical Congress, Fukuoka, Japan, 16–21 October 2005.
5. S. Hatta, T. Muranaka, S. Hosoda, J. Kim, M. Cho, H.O. Ueda, K. Koga, T. Goka, Progress of multi-utility spacecraft charging analysis tool (MUSCAT) and evolution for space exploration, in: Proceedings of the 57th International Astronautical Congress, Valencia, Spain, 2–6 October 2006.