1. R. Proulx, J. Draim, P. Cefola, Radio interference between non-geostationary communication satellite constellations, in: AAS-00-237, Paper Presented at the AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting, Clearwater, FL, January 23–26, 2000.
2. A. Monte Paul, A. Turner Andrew, Constellation selection for Globalstar—a global mobile communications system, in: AIAA Paper 92-1987, Presented at the AIAA International Communication Satellite System Conference and Exhibit, 14th, Washington DC, March 22–26, 1992.
3. J. Draim, R. Inciardi, P.J. Cefola, D. Carter, R. Proulx, D. Larsen, Beyond GEO—using elliptical orbit constellations to multiply the space real estate, in: Paper Presented at the 52nd International Astronautical Congress, Toulouse, France, October 1–5, 2001.
4. J.E. Draim, R. Inciardi, P.J. Cefola, R. Proulx, D. Carter, Demonstration of the Cobra Teardrop concept using two smallsats in 8-hour elliptic orbits, in: Paper SSC01-II-3 Presented at the 15th Annual Smallsat Conference on Small Satellites, August 13–16, 2001.
5. J.E. Draim, P.J. Cefola, K.J. Ernandes, Cobra Teardrop arrays for mobile users with seamless handovers, in: Paper Presented at ICSSC 2006, San Diego, CA, June 2006.