1. Opyt ekspluatatsii solnechnykh batarey sluzhebnogo modulya Mezhdunarodnoy kosmicheskoy stantsii [In Russian: Experience of operating solar arrays on the service module of the International Space Station];Zernov;Kosmicheskaya tekhnika i tekhnologii [in Russian: The Space Engineering and Technology magazine],2016
2. Analiz poletnykh dannykh kak osnova dlya prinyatiya operatsionnykh reshenii po ekspluatatsii dolgovremennykh orbital’nykh stantsii [in Russian: Flight data analysis as a basis for making operational decisions on the operation of long-term orbital stations];Spirin;Vestnik MAI [in Russian: Herald of Moscow Aviation Institute],2018
3. Programmnyi kompleks modelirovaniya elektroprikhoda Rossiiskogo segmenta Mezhdunarodnoi kosmicheskoi stantsii [in Russian: Software Package for Simulating Electric Power Input to the Russian Segment of the International Space Station];Rulev,2003
4. Ispol’zovanie matematicheskogo modelirovaniya pri otsenke energobalansa na Rossiyskom segmente MKS [in Russian: The use of math simulations to evaluate the power balance in the Russian Segment of the International Space Station];Stazhkov,2008
5. Developing methods for taking into account the radiation coming from earth in simulations of incoming electric power on the Russian segment of the International space station in experiment Albedo;Rulev;Kosm. Tekh. Tekhnol.,2021