1. Agah, M. (2000, March). Personal interview: P. E., Project Manager, Arizona Department of Transportation.
2. American Trucking Associations Foundation, Inc. (ATA Foundation) (1997, February). Incident management: Challenges, strategies, and solutions for advancing safety and roadway efficiency. Final Technical Report, C3005. Prepared in association with Cambridge Systematics, Inc. for the National Incident Management Coalition, Alexandria, VA.
3. Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) (1998a). Freeway management system introduction. Available at www.azfms.com/About/overview.html.
4. Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) (1998b). Trailmaster project information overview. Available at www.azfms.com/About/projs-summary.html.
5. Bauer, K., & Harwood, D. (1998, June). Statistical models of accidents on interchange ramps and speed-change lanes. FHWA-RD-97–106, FHWA, U.S. Department of Transportation.