1. Prime Minister's Office, Republic of Korea. What is ODA? Available from: http://www.odakorea.go.kr/eng.overview.What.do; [accessed 17.11.14].
2. United Nations, Millennium development goals and beyond 2015. Available from: http://www.un.org/millenniumgoals/bkgd.shtml; [accessed 18.11.14].
3. Korea International Cooperation Agency. About KOICA. Available from: http://www.koica.go.kr; [accessed 17.11.14].
4. World Friends Korea. What WFK-KOVs do? Available from: http://kov.koica.go.kr/hom/; [accessed 17.11.14].
5. Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Peru. Information of Peru. Available from: http://per.mofa.go.kr/korean/am/per/information/life/index.jsp; [accessed 17.11.14]. [In Korean].