1. See Garfield, Eugene. “Citation Analysis as a Tool in Journal Evaluation,” Science 178 (1972), 471–9. For a recent review of literature related to this and other aspects of journal evaluation, see Altmann, Klaus G., and Gorman, G.E. “Usage, Citation Analysis and Costs as Indicators for Journal Deselection and Cancellation: A Selective Literature Review,” Australian Library Review 13, 4 (1996), 379–92.
2. Recent examples of this approach used in marketing journals include publicity letters from: Lenne P. Miller, Director of Journal Publications for The Endocrine Society, August, 1996; and Ingrid Benirschke, Marketing Manager for Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, November 1996.
3. Christensen, John O. “Cost of Chemistry Journals to One Academic Library, 1980–1990,” Serials Review, 18, (1992), 19–34.
4. Stankus, Tony. Making Sense of Journals of the Life Sciences: From Speciality Origins to Contemporary Assortment. New York: Haworth Press, 1992.
5. Stankus, Tony and Mills, C.V. “Which Life Science Journals Will Constitute the Locally Sustainable Core Collection of the, 1990s and Which Will Become ‘Fax-Access’ Only? Predictions Based on Citation and Price Patterns, 1979–1989,” Science and Technology Libraries 13, (1992), 73–114.