1. An electronic version of the cited fundamental Law may be found in English and in Spanish at the following URL: http://alcazaba.unex.es/constitucion, accessed June 28, 1997.
2. An in-depth study of Spanish legislation up to 1997 may be found in Cornella, A. (1998). Information policies in Spain. Government Information Quarterly, 15(2), 197–200.
3. Ley 30/1992 de Régimen Jurı́dico de las Administraciones Públicas y del Procedimiento Administrativo Común (1992, November 27). Boletı́n Oficial del Estado no. 285.
4. Ministry of Public Administrations. Comisión Interministerial de Información Administrativa (On-line). Available: http://www.map.es/directorio/map/cia/ciia.htm.
5. Plan Info XXI. (1999). Available: http://www.infoxxi.es.