1. A.P. Woodfield, M.D. Gorman, R.R. Corderman, J.A. Sutliff, B. Yamrom, in: Titanium ’95: Science and Technology, Proceedings of the World Conference on Titanium, 8th, 22–26 October 1996, Birmingham, UK, 1996, 2, pp. 1116–1123.
2. A.P. Woodfield, M.D. Gorman, J.A. Sutliff, R.R. Corderman, in: Proceedings of an International Symposium, TMS Fall Meeting ’98, 11–15 October 1998, Chicago, Illinois, 1999, p. 111.
3. A review of dwell sensitive fatigue in titanium alloys: the role of microstructure, texture and operating conditions
4. Crystallography of fracture facets in a near-alpha titanium alloy
5. The Influence of Slip Character on the Creep and Fatigue Fracture of an α Ti-Al Alloy