1. ISO 5167. Substitutes DIN 1952, Measurement of fluid flow by means of orifice plates, nozzles and venturi tubes inserted in circular cross-section conduits running full (VDI-rules for measurement of fluid). Beuth, Berlin, 1982.
2. VDI/VDE-2041. Measurement of fluid flow with primary devices—orifice plates and nozzles for special applications. Beuth, Berlin, 1991.
3. Fluid meters—their theory and application, in: H.S. Bean (Ed.), Report of ASME, Research Committee on Fluid Meters, Chap. I-5, 6th ed, 1971.
4. Fluid meters—their theory and application, in: H.S. Bean, (Ed.), Report of ASME, Research Committee on Fluid Meters, Chap. II-II, 6th ed, 1971.
5. W. Göpel, J. Hesse, N. Zemel, Sensors—A comprehensive survey, in: H.H. Bau, N.F. de Rooij, B. Kloeck, (Eds.), Mechanical Sensors, vol. 7, VCH Publishers Inc. New York, 1994.