1. World Health Organization UNICEF. Revised 1990 Estimates of Maternal Mortality. 1996; WHO/UNICEF: Geneva. April.
2. World Health Organization. Abortion: A Tabulation of Available Data on the Frequency and Mortality of Unsafe Abortion. 2nd edition, 1994; Maternal Health and Safe Motherhood Programme, WHO: Geneva.
3. See. C. Tietze. Induced Abortion: A World Review. 4th edition, 1981; Population Council: New York.
4. Government of India. 5th edition, Family Welfare Programme in India, Year Book 1989–1990. 1992; Ministry of Health and Family Welfare: New Delhi, 229.
5. International Institute of Population Sciences. National Family Health Survey (MCH and Family Planning): India, 1992–1993. 1995; International Institute for Population Sciences: Bombay.