1. Bell Canada, 1989. Cross-sectional analysis of residential telephone subscription in Canada. An update using 1987 data, filed on March 3, 1989 in conjunction with Bell Canada's 1988 Price Elasticity Methodology Review Proceeding.
2. Bell Canada, 1993. Cross-sectional analysis of residential telephone subscription in Canada using 1991 data. Filed in Bell (CRTC) 22 March 1993-1101 RR93, Attachment 1.
3. Bodnar, J., Dilworth, P., Iacono, S., 1988. Cross-sectional analysis of residential telephone subscription in Canada, vol. 3, No. 4, Information economics and policy. The original study report was filed in Bell (CAC) 11 May 1987-25 RRB Update, pp. 359–378.
4. Bodnar, J., Lefebvre, S., 1992. A comparison of Canadian households with and without residential telephone service in 1990. Filed in Bell (CRTC) 22 March 1993-1101 RR93, Attachment 5.
5. McFadden, D., 1978. Modelling the choice of residential location, in: Karquist, A., et al. (Eds.), Spatial Interaction Theory and Planning Models. North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam.