1. Pasteur's Quadrant: Basic Science And Technological Innovation;Stokes,1997
2. “Kuayue fenshuling” 跨越分水岭 [bridging the divide];Liu,2002
3. “Commemorating professor Liu Zeyuan's 50 Years teaching: the decade from 1999-2009 in collaboration with COLLNET;Ketschmer;COLLNET J. Sci. Inf. Manag.,2012
4. 科学知识图谱: 方法与应用Mapping Knowledge Domains: Methods And Application;Liu,2008
5. “Dagong Renwu: Ji Guangrong Tuixiu Jiaoshou Liu Zeyuan” 大工人物: 记光荣退休教授刘则渊 [DUT Figure: Professor Emeritus Liu Zeyuan];Lu,2011