1. Despatch from the Court of Directors of the East India Company, to the Governor General of India in Council (No 49, 19 July 1854). In J. A. Richey (ed) Selections from Educational Records Part. II: 1840–1959 (Calcutta).
2. Richey, op cit, reference 1, p. 372.
3. Evidence of James Sullivan. In Extracts from Proceedings of Parliamentary Committee on the Affairs of the East India Company, 1832. In A. N. Basu, (ed), Indian Education in Parliamentary Papers. Part I: 1832 (Bombay, Asia Publishing House, 1952) 267–303.
4. Letter from the Court of Directors to Bengal, 29 September, 1830. In Basu, op cit, reference 3, p. 303.
5. Rothblatt, S., The revolution of the dons: Cambridge and society in Victorian England. Faber and Faber, London, 1968, p. 254.