1. Buisson, F., Cussac, T.h., Parrot, M. “Demeter: On Ground Validation and First In Flight Results”, Paper ESA SP-571. The 4S Symposium: Small Satellites Systems & Services 2004, La Rochelle, 2004.
2. Dubourg, V., Carayon, J.L., Danto, P. “An Innovative Onboard Computer for CNES Micro satellites”, Paper #190. AIAA/IEEE 21st Digital Avionics Systems Conference 2002, Irvine, CA, 2002.
3. Parrot, M. “The Micro satellite DEMETER”, COSPAR 04 Presentation A0.2-0004-04, Paris, 2004.
4. Solovey, S. “DNEPR launcher and 2004 launch campaign” presentation. The 4S Symposium: Small Satellites Systems & Services 2004, La Rochelle, 2004.