1. See C.R. Phillips, The Planetary Quarantine Program: Origins and Achievements 3 (1975), NASA Pub. No. SP-4902, US GPO Stock No. 3300-00578; Stabekis, History and Processing of Changes, in Report, COSPAR/IAU Workshop on Planetary Protection, Appendix C, 2002
2. G.A. Res. 1348 (December 13, 1958)
3. Phillips, supra note 1, at 3; H.S. Lay & H.J. Taubenfeld, The Law Relating to the Activities of Man in Space, An American Bar Foundation Report 189 n. 7, 1970
4. Lay & Taubenfeld, supra note 3, at 189, n. 37; C.Q. Christol, The Modern International Law of Outer Space 132, (1982); see also CETEX, Contamination by Extraterrestrial Exploration, 183 Nature 925–28 (1959);
5. CETEX, Development of International Efforts to Avoid Contamination by Extraterrestrial Exploration, 128 Science News 887–89 (1958);