1. S. Karanaka, B. Bachsinar. Sirkumsisi. Circumcision. 1994; Hipokrates: Jakarta.
2. These events were reported in local newspapers and were the subject of gossip in Kupang during the time the first author and colleagues from the Indonesian Academy of Sciences were investigating reproductive health issues. See Hull TH, Raharto A, Handayani T et al, 1999.Family Planning and Family Decision-making in Nusa Tenggara Timur. Jakarta: PPT-LIPI.
3. Case Studies in Dual Classification as Process: Childbirth, Headhunting and Circumcision in West Timor
4. P. Lake. Sifon: Antara Tradisi dan Risiko Penularan PMS. Sifon: Between a Tradition and Transmission of STDs. 1999; Pusat Penelitian Kependudukan, Gadjah Mada University: Yogyakarta.