1. L. Carlyle, The Artist’s Assistant: Oil Painting Instruction Manuals and Handbooks in Britain, 1800–1900. With Reference to Selected Eighteenth-Century Sources, Archetype Books, London, 1998.
2. J.J. Boon, G.A. van der Doelen, in: Preprints of the Conference on Varnish, Material, Aesthetics, History, International Colloquium, Braunschweig, 1998, p. 92.
3. Comparative Chromatographic and Mass-Spectrometric Studies of Triterpenoid Varnishes: Fresh Material and Aged Samples from Paintings
4. G.A. van der Doelen, K.J. van den Berg, J.J. Boon, Techne, in press.
5. Interest of photochemical methods for induction of lipid peroxidation