1. University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine. Academic strategic plan 2019. Disponible à :https://medicine.utoronto.ca/asp/create-resource-comprehensive-equity-diversity-inclusion-plan. Consulté le 27 mars 2020.
2. Ontario Human Rights Commission. Appendix 1: glossary of human rights terms.Disponible à :http://www.ohrc.on.ca/en/teaching-human-rights-ontario-guide-ontario-schools/appendix-1-glossary-humanrights-terms. Consulté le 27 mars 2020.
3. Association of American Medical Colleges. Group on Diversity and Inclusion. Disponible à :https://www.aamc.org/members/gdi/. Consulté le 27 mars 2020.
4. University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine. Allyship and inclusion at the Faculty of Medicine. Ally definitions. Disponible à :https://medicine.utoronto.ca/allyship-and-inclusion-faculty-medicine. Consulté le 27 mars 2020.
5. Harvard Medical School Office for Diversity Inclusion and Community Partnership. Terminology related to sexual orientation, gender identity and more. Disponible à :https://mfdp.med.harvard.edu/sites/default/files/files/HMS%20SOGI%20terminology%203.22.17.pdf. Consulté le 27 mars 2020.