1. NBR 9778 - Hardened mortar and concrete - Determination of absorption, voids and specific gravity;Brazilian Association of Technical Standards [in Portuguese],2005
2. NBR 13277 - Mortars applied on walls and ceilings - Determination of the water retentivity;Brazilian Association of Technical Standards [in Portuguese],2005
3. NBR 13278 - Mortars applied on walls and ceilings - Determination of the specific gravity and the air entrained content in the fresh stage;Brazilian Association of Technical Standards [in Portuguese],2005
4. NBR 13279 - Mortars applied on walls and ceilings - Determination of the flexural and the compressive strength in the hardened stage;Brazilian Association of Technical Standards [in Portuguese],2005
5. NBR 13280 - Mortars applied on walls and ceilings - Determination of the specific gravity in the hardened stage;Brazilian Association of Technical Standards [in Portuguese],2005