1. AMBA, Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture Specification, Rev D, Advanced RISC Machines Ltd. (ARM), April 1997.
2. AMBA, Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture Specification, Rev 2.0, Advanced RISC Machines Ltd. (ARM), May 1999.
3. DRAFT STANDARD OMI 324: PI-Bus rev 0.3d, Open Microprocessor Systems Initiative (OMI), Siemens AG, Germany, 1994.
4. The Virtual Socket Interface (VSI) Alliance, URL: http://www.vsi.org/.
5. C.E. Molnar, I.W. Jones, W.S. Coates, J.K. Lexau, A FIFO ring performance experiment, Third International Symposium on Advanced Research in Asynchronous Circuits and Systems, ASYNC’97, Sun Microsystems Laboratories, April 1997.