1. G. Cocconi, E. Lillethun, J. P. Scanlon, C. C. Ting, J. Walters and A. M. Wetherell. 1963 Sienna Int. Conf. on Elementary Particles.
2. Inelastic Proton-Proton Scattering at 1.35, 2.1, and 2.9 BeV
3. P. Bareyre, J. Bizard, C. Bricman, J. Seguinot, G. Valladas and G. Villet, to be published.
4. Angular Distributions inπ±−pElastic Scattering in the Range 500 to 1600 MeV
5. P. M. Ogden, D. E. Hagge, J. A. Helland and M. Banner. J. F. Detoeuf, J. Teiger, UCRL-11056.