1. Alberta (Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development) v Cunningham, 2011 SCC 37. Retrieved May 6, 2014 from: CanLii.org.
2. An Act for the better protection of the Lands and Property of the Indians in Lower Canada, S.C. 1850, c. 42, 13 & 14 Victoria.
3. An Act to encourage the gradual civilization of the Indian Tribes in this Province, and to amend the Laws respecting Indians. S.C. 1857, c. 26, 20 Victoria.
4. Attorney General of Canada v Lavell, 1973 CanLii 175 (SCC). Retrieved May 8, 2014 from: CanLii.org.
5. National Best Practices Guidelines for Collecting Indigenous Status in Health Data Sets;Australian Institute of Health and Wellness,2010