Vision at the workplace: Part I – Guidelines for the practitioner * *The recommendations provided in this guide are based on numerous published and unpublished scientific studies and are intended to enhance worker safety and productivity. These recommendations are neither intended to replace existing standards, if any, nor should be treated as standards. Furthermore, this document should not be construed to represent institutional policy.The following individuals participated in the discussion of the earlier version of this guide. Their suggestions (written or verbal) were incorporated by the authors in this version: Roland Andersson, Sweden; Alvah Bittner, USA; Peter Buckle, UK; Jan Dul, The Netherlands; Bahador Ghahramani, USA; Juhani Ilmarinen, Finland; Sheik Imrhan, USA; Asa Kilbom, Sweden; Shrawan Kumar, Canada; Tom Leamon, USA; Mark Lehto, USA; William Marras, USA; Barbara McPhee, Australia; James Miller, USA; Anil Mital, USA; Don Morelli, USA; Maurice Oxenburgh, Australia; Jerry Purswell, USA; Jorma Saari, Finland; W. (Tom) Singleton, UK; Juhani Smolander, Finland; Terry Stobbe, USA; Rolf Westgaard, Norway; Jørgen Winkel, Sweden. The guide was also reviewed in depth by several anonymous reviewers.