1. New measurements of pool boiling heat transfer for carbon dioxide in a wide temperature range;Kotthoff,2004
2. see also S. Kotthoff, U. Chandra, D. Gorenflo, Neue Messungen zum Behältersieden von Kohlendioxid in einem grösseren Temperaturbereich DKV-Tagungsbericht 22 (2004) [Bd.II.1] 233–256.
3. New measurements of pool boiling heat transfer with hydrocarbons and other organics for update of VDI-Heat Atlas calculation method;Gorenflo,2004
4. Influence of the fluid on pool boiling heat transfer of refrigerants and other organic substances;Kotthoff,2005
5. Pool boiling heat transfer of carbon dioxide on a horizontal tube;Loebl,2004