1. ENRESA, Almacenamiento Geológico Profundo de Residuos Radiactivos de Alta Actividad (AGP). Diseños Conceptuales Genéricos. P.T. 11/95, 1995.
2. Huertas F, Fariñas P, Farias J, García-Siñeriz JL, Villar MV, Fernández AM, Martín PL, Elorza FJ, Gens A, Sánchez M, Lloret A, Samper J, Martínez MA. Full-scale Engineered Barriers Experiment. UPDATED FINAL REPORT 1994-2004 December 2006. ENRESA, Technical Report 05-0/2006, Madrid, 2006, p. 590.
3. Fuentes-Cantillana JL, García-Siñeriz JL. FEBEX Full-scale Engineered Barriers Experiment in Crystalline Host Rock. FINAL DESIGN AND INSTALLATION OF THE IN SITU TEST AT GRIMSEL. ENRESA Technical Report 12/98, Madrid, 1998, p. 184.
4. Fuentes-Cantillana JL, García-Siñeriz JL, Franco JJ, Obis J, Pérez A, Jullien F, Alberdi J, Barcala JM, Campos R, Cuevas J, Fernández AM, Gamero E, García M, Gómez P, Hernández A, Illera A, Martín PL, Melón AM, Missana T, Ortuno F, Pardillo J, Rivas P, Turrero MJ, Villar MV, Mingarro M, Pelayo M, Caballero E, Cuadros J, Huertas F, Huertas FJ, Jiménez de Cisneros C, Linares J, Bazargan-Sabet B, Ghoreychi M, Jockwer N, Wieczorek K, Kickmaier W, Marschall P, Martínez MA, Carretero P, Dai Z, Delgado J, Juncosa R, Molinero J, Ruiz A, Samper J, Vázquez A, Alonso E, Carrera J, Gens A, García-Molina AJ, Guimera J, Guimaraes Ldo N, Lloret A, Martínez L, Olivella S, Pintado X, Sánchez M, Elorza FJ, Borregón JL, Canamon I, Rodriguez Pons-Esparver R; Fariña P, Farias J. were the technical editors of this report under the direction of Huertas F. (ENRESA) 2000: FEBEX full-scale engineered barriers experiment for a deep geological repository for high level radioactive waste in crystalline host rock FINAL REPORT. ENRESA, Technical Report 1/2000.
5. Bárcena I, Fuentes-Cantillana JL, García-Siñeriz JL. Dismantling of the heater 1 at the FEBEX “in situ” test. Description of operations. ENRESA, Technical Report 9/2003. 2003.