1. Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine Recommended Standards for the Routine Performance Testing of Diagnostic X-ray Imaging Systems. IPEM Report No 091 2005 IPEM York, UK
2. National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements Quality Assurance for Diagnostic Imaging. NCRP Report No 099 1988 NCRP Bethesda, MD
3. American Association of Physicists in Medicine Quality Control in Diagnostic Radiology. AAPM Report No 74 2002 AAPM College Park, MD
4. International Electrotechnical Commission Evaluation and routine testing in medical imaging departments. Part 3–1: Acceptance tests—Imaging performance of X-ray equipment for radiographic and radioscopic equipment 1999 IEC Geneva, Switzerland
5. International Electrotechnical Commission Evaluation and routine testing in medical imaging departments. Part 3–5: Acceptance tests—Imaging performance of computed tomography 2004 IEC Geneva, Switzerland