1. Clough DP. Experimental evaluation of seismic design methods for broad cylindrical tanks. UCB/EERC-77/10. 1977 [PB-272 280]
2. Niwa A. Seismic behavior of tall liquid storage tanks. UCB/EERC-78/04. 1978 [PB-284 017]
3. Cambra FJ. Earthquake response considerations of broad liquid storage tanks. UCB/EERC-82/25. 1982 [PB83-251 215]
4. Manos GC, Clough RW. Further study of the earthquake response of a broad cylindrical liquid-storage tank model. UCB/EERC-82/07. 1982 [PB83-147 744]
5. Clough RW, Niwa A. Static tilt tests of a tall cylindrical liquid storage tank. UCB/EERC-79/06. 1979 [PB-301 167]