1. ECCS. Manual on stability of steel structures. 2nd ed. P022, ECCS technical committee 8 – structural stability. European Convention of Constructional Steel Work, Brussels. Brussels; CEN: 1976 [for conformity assessment of structural components].
2. ECCS. Ultimate limit state calculation of sway frames with rigid joints. 1st ed. P033. ECCS technical committee 8 – structural stability. Brussels: European Convention of Constructional Steel Work; 1984.
3. Fondement Expérimental des Coubres Européennes de Flambement;Sfintesco,1970
4. Maximum column strength and the multiple column curve concept;Bjorhovde,1971
5. Mise en Equation des Nouvelles Courbes Européennes de Flambement;Maquoi;Construction Métallique,1978