1. Panama Canal Traffic, January 2015, the Panama Canal Authority, (http://www.pancanal.com/eng/op/transit-stats/2014/2014-Table 01[2].pdf).
2. Vessel Requirements, January 2005, the Panama Canal Authority, (http://www.pancanal.com/eng/maritime/notices/n01-05.pdf).
3. Contract No. CMC-221427, Design and Construction of the Third Set of Locks, TECHNICAL REPORT – GENERAL - LOCK GATES: SEALING SYSTEMS, 18 Jan. 2012, Doc. No. G50/CICTCR - M1401 – UF, Confidential Document.
4. Contract No. CMC-221427, Design and Construction of the Third Set of Locks, TECHNICAL REPORT – WORK SECTION - LOCK GATES: GATE DRIVE SYSTEM LOADS, 18 Jan. 2012, Doc. No. G50/CICTCR - M1407 – UD, Confidential Document.
5. The Rubber Manufacturers Association,The RMA Rubber Handbook, N.W.Washington D.C., Inc.1400 K Street, 2005.