A Neuroethics Framework for the Australian Brain Initiative


Carter Adrian,Richards Linda J.,Apthorp Deborah,Azghadi Mostafa Rahimi,Badcock David R.,Balleine Bernard,Bekkers John M.,Berk Michael,Bourne James A.,Bradley Andrew P.,Breakspear Michael,Brichta Alan,Carter Olivia,Castles Anne,Chakli Khaled,Cohen-Woods Sarah,Conn Simon J.,Cornish Jennifer,Cornish Kim,de Zubicaray Greg,Egan Gary F.,Enticott Peter G.,Fitzgibbon Bernadette M.,Forlini Cynthia,Fornito Alex,Griffiths Lyn,Gullifer Judith,Hall Wayne,Halliday Glenda,Hannan Anthony J.,Harrer Stefan,Harvey Alan,Hatherly Chris,Hickie Ian B.,Kennett Jeanette,Kiernan Matthew,Kilpatrick Trevor,Kiral-Kornek Isabell,Korgaonkar Mayuresh S.,Lawrence Andrew J.,Leventer Rick,Levy Neil,Licinio Julio,Lovell Nigel,Mackellar Geoff,Malcolm Lynne,Mason Alice,Mattingley Jason B.,Medland Sarah E.,Michie Patricia T.,Nithianantharajah Jess,Parker John,Payne Jonathan M.,Poole-Warren Laura,Sah Pankaj,Sarnyai Zoltan,Schofield Peter R.,Shimoni Olga,Shum David H.K.,Silk Tim,Slee Mark,Smith Ashleigh E.,Soulis Tina,Sriram Sharath,Stuart Greg J.,Tapson Jonathan,Thompson Matthew B.,van Schaik André,Vincent Nicole A.,Vissel Bryce,Waters Allison


National Health and Medical Research Council Senior Research Fellowship, Australia

National Health and Medical Research Council Career Development Fellowship, Australia

Australian Research Council Future Fellowship, Australia

National Health and Medical Research Council Fellowship, Australia

Australian Research Council Discovery Early Career Researcher Award, Australia

National Health and Medical Research Council, Australia

National Health and Medical Research Council Principal Research Fellowship, Australia


Elsevier BV


General Neuroscience

Reference10 articles.

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2. Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder and youth justice: a prevalence study among young people sentenced to detention in Western Australia;Bower;BMJ Open,2018

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4. Regulating consumer use of transcranial direct current stimulation devices;Farrell;Med. J. Aust.,2018

5. Deep brain stimulation for movement disorders: 2015 and beyond;Fasano;Curr. Opin. Neurol.,2015

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