1. Consider it pure joy;Raven,1997
2. US Food and Drug Administration, ICH E6: Good Clinical Practice: Consolidated Guideline 1996, Date accessed: 13th June 2003, www.fda.gov/cder/guidance/959fnl.pdf.
3. Medical Research Council, MRC Guidelines for Good Clinical Practice in Clinical Trials 1998, Date accessed: 13th June 2003, www.mrc.ac.uk/pdf-ctg.pdf.
4. Department of Health, Research Governance Framework for England, Date accessed: 13th June 2003, www.doh.gov.uk/research/rd3/nhsrandd/researchgovernance.htm.
5. The World Medical Association, Declaration of Helsinki: Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects, Date accessed: 13th June 2003, www.wma.net/e/policy/b3.htm.