1. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders;American Psychiatric Association,2013
2. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders;American Psychiatric Association, A,2000
3. Argentine Ministry of Health and Social Development, M. (1997). Law 24901. Health services for people with disabilities (Discapacidad. Sistema de prestaciones basicas). http://servicios.infoleg.gob.ar/infolegInternet/verNorma.do?id=47677.
4. Argentine Ministry of Health and Social Development, M. (2001). Law 25504 (Ley 25504). https://www.argentina.gob.ar/normativa/nacional/ley-24308-70726.
5. Argentine Ministry of Health and Social Development, M. (2014). Law 27.043 (Ley 27.043). http://servicios.infoleg.gob.ar/infolegInternet/anexos/240000-244999/240452/norma.htm.